
Department of Public Health

About Us

Public Health is the science of preventing diseases, prolonging life, and promoting health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, control of communicable infections, education of the individual in personal hygiene, organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of diseases, and development of the social machinery to ensure that everyone has a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health. The Department aims to teach students how to discover problems of public health in the community and know what measures of public health to plan for. To achieve this goal, we educate our students with a wide scope of knowledge and a broad perspective that will enable them to “think globally while acting locally.” Our mission is then to provide professional public-health education to train students to server our community.


The Department of Public Health offers three levels of degree programs leading for Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. Every year, there are about 100 enrollments including 20 graduate students. The curriculum of the department offers a variety of sciences and public health related lectures for a public-health professional. The design of the education also highly emphasizes humanity education to enhance our students’ awareness of social and environmental responsibilities to strengthen their academic capabilities to benefit the society. Furthermore, creativity, communication skill and independent characteristics are also the major components included in our training.

Faculty profile

Please refer to faculty profile link.


As the leading public-health research facility in central Taiwan, and in collaboration with regional health government agencies, organizations and university hospitals, this department has a wide range of research activities including the epidemiology survey and health-policy making. In addition, this department also conducts study using epidemiological analysis of the crucial relationships between different environmental pollutants and health problems due to exposures in central Taiwan in order to provide expert’s advices to government for policy making.

Contact Information

Tel: +886-4-24730022 ext11766, 11798                                                                          

Fax: +886-4-23248194

E-mail: cs1798@csmu.edu.tw

Website: https://phd.csmu.edu.tw/
